Lesson 2 – Meal planning

Todays lesson is a little reminder to make sure you have gone through the meal planning exercise in the guidelines booklet. (Which can be found HERE)

I want you to do at least next weeks meal plan. Please remember to KEEP IT SIMPLE.

Choose 4 or 5 meals that you and your family already enjoy and look forward to. Be sure to make extra’s to use for lunches or other nights dinners. See if those meals need a make over to fit the guidelines below…

  • One handful of protein (if the protein source is very lean, you may need to add some fat to your meal)
  • One handful of carb (if your sauce or flavouring is high in carbohydrate, you may need to reduce the size) **Important – Do not include carbohydrates during your Fat Flush days. (first 3 days of the program, then once per week after that)
  • Lots of salad / veg

Below is a video lesson on what your perfect meal should look like

Please Note – I talk about 100 grams of carbs per day in this video. Those instructions were for a 65kg woman as an example. (65kg x 1.5grams = 100 grams of carbohydrate)

Please calculate 1.5grams  x your body weight in kgs to get your individual carbohydrate and protein target.


**TIP – Once you have written out and used your weekly meal plans, please keep it to re use at another week. You only need to string 3 or 4 different weekly meal plans together for long term success. You can always add, tweak and improve on them.  After all, do you remember what you had for dinner 3 weeks ago?


Here is another short and sweet (and shaky) video on why meal planning MUST be your first priority for fat loss


  • Keep it simple. Choose 4 dinners and make extra
  • Choose meals that make you HAPPY and normal. (give them a make over if needed)
  • Write your weekly plan down and keep it to re-use
  • Ask for guidance and inspiration on the Facebook page if needed


NEXT – – Go to Week 1, Lesson 3 – – HERE