Wednesday – automate your eating


Healthy Nutrition

Weight loss day – 1.5gram of carb x body weight in kgs and the same for protein, plus LOT’s of salad / veg.

Please feel free to split this up however suits your daily routine and hunger patterns best. If you are hungrier in the night, eat more then and less in the morning. If you are hungrier in the morning, then switch that around. Its the daily (and weekly) total that matters, not the timing of the meals.


Happy Exercise

Today I want you to do any exercise session that A) gets you huffing and puffing out of your comfort zone and B) uses and overloads all of your muscle groups. You can choose an exercise session from the video instructions HERE, or you can do your own session as long as fits the criteria.


HOT tip – Hierarchy of fat loss (in my opinion)

1) Nutrition
2) Nutrition
3) Nutrition
4) Sleep / stress management
5) Movement – – maximising the 100 hours that we are awake
6) Exercise – – Up to 6 hours per week

Yes, I know I included nutrition 3 times. Its THAT important…. really.


HOT lesson – automate your eating plan

Ok, so we are more than 3 weeks into the program. By now, you should have some “go to” meals that you don’t even have to think about. 

We all kid ourselves that we have an exciting varied diet, but most of us choose between

  • 3 breakfasts
  • 4 – 6 snacks
  • 5 lunches
  • 9 dinners

So really, that’s all you need to come up with on your healthy eating plan and then rotate and repeat.

That doesn’t sound that hard, does it?

The trick is, you have to actually enjoy those meals.

It doesn’t mean these will be the only foods you ever eat again. I’m sure you will come up with new choices along the way.  However it helps to have a regular pattern before you start branching out.

If you haven’t already come up with your automated eating list, then now is the time to go on a mission to discover some.

Please post yours over on the closed Facebook page. If you are struggling, you can always ask for suggestions over there too.

I cannot stress this enough.  This eating pattern and the meals you choose, should feel “normal” to you.

If you are dying to finish, then it is never going to be long lasting. If you can’t wait to get back to “normal”, its never going to last.


Please contact me if there is any food you are really missing and we will work out a plan to fit it back into your meal plan.


Breakfast Snacks Lunch Dinner
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
  4 4 4
    5 5