Proven tips, tricks and hacks for health, fitness and weight loss

We all know that to lose weight we either need to…

We also know that we want to do it with the least disruption to your usual routine, plus provide you with all of your essential nutrients so that you stay healthy, don’t lose muscle, keep you full and energetic.

As I discuss in my “How to lose 1kg per week guide”, the ideal scenario would be to consume 500 less calories and burn 500 more each day to result in a 7000 calorie deficit per week (1kg weight loss).

** Side note…

If you already consume a low calorie diet, please don’t reduce lower. Please either put your focus on burning more calories (calories OUT)   via movement and / or exercise, or look at improving the quality of your calories.

If you already burn a LOT of calories each day via exercise and movement, please put more focus on reducing or improving your calorie intake.

This is easier in theory than in practice (Duh)

Here are some practical hints and tricks that may tip the scales and measurements in the right direction (down).

This is not something you should base your whole plan on, but when you have everything else in place and you are just looking for that added edge, you can try these things, they certainly can’t hurt you.

Oh and just like all weight loss advice, what works for one person, the next person will hate. Feel free to pick and choose the tips that resonate with you and leave the rest.

Tips to reduce your calories IN


1) Eat slowly and take eating breaks to check if you need to continue

Eating mindfully and with minimal distractions helps. I have personally lost weight by adopting this protocol alone.

See also – – I lost weight by making this ONE simple change


2) Shorten your eating window

An eating window that is open from 6.30am to 10pm gives us a LOT of time and opportunity to consume more than we need. Why not try 10am to 6pm, or 7.30am to 4pm (or any other shortened window that works for you)

Less time and opportunity  = less chance to consume excess calories.

More details here >> Close your window


3) Go to bed empty ( a little bit hungry )

The trick is to go to bed empty, but not so hungry that it interferes with your sleep. You will need to test and measure to find the right scenario for you.

I personally LOVE this tip and use it often. I find my hunger resets over night and I am just as hungry the next day as I always am.

** If this tip or any other tip results in you bingeing and eating MORE than you normally would, then its not for you.

4) Reduce calories that are No Big Deal  –   #NBD

Q. You know what the best way to consume less calories is?

A. The way that you hardly even notice. A way that feels easy and is NO Big Deal  –  #NBD

You will find some useful #NBD calorie swaps HERE

5) Choose foods that keep you fuller for longer

  • 500 calories of rice crackers = fullness for 10 minutes
  • 500 calories of chicken, rice and veg = fullness for 4 hours

Also see – 3 ridiculously simple steps to health and weight management

6) Wait 20 minutes before going for seconds

There are many old wives tales around about food, fitness and fat loss. This one is actually true. It takes about 20 minutes for food to get from your mouth to your stomach.

7) You don’t need to eat the whole meal

You don’t need to eat the whole meal just because it is served up to you. Stop eating when satisfied even if your plate is not empty. Package the rest up for tomorrows lunch or dinner.

8) Cut up veggies and keep them handy

Skill-power trumps Will-power every time.

Easy + convenient + accessible = more chance of eating healthy foods

9) Don’t buy the junk or at least put it out of view and easy reach

For exactly the opposite reason as above

10) Have 1 or 2 “Emptying the Tank” days each week

See also – 5:2 fasting, will it work for you?

11) Green tea

There is some research to suggest that drinking at least 3 cups of green tea per day can slightly aid in weight loss. It certainly wont do you any harm. If it takes the place of a poorer choice option, then all the better.

**TIP, when making the green tea, fill 1/3 of your cup with room temp water first , then put the tea bag in and stir. Let it sit for 30 seconds, and then add the boiling water. This way you won’t burn the tea and end up with that burnt taste.

12) Lemon juice and vinegar

As little as 20ml of vinegar added to your food, usually in the form of a salad dressing can slightly lower blood sugar and therefore insulin.  Lemon juice is just as helpful.

the acidity in food pulls the brake on stomach emptying, slowing the delivery of food to the small intestine, therefore slowing the digestion of carbohydrate, and therefore lowering insulin production.


13) Drink water before meals

Have a large glass of water prior to each meal. You will feel fuller, quicker, therefore resulting in eating less at meal time.


14) Soup

Because of the liquid in the soup, the stomach stays fuller for longer. This tricks the body into shutting off the “hunger” hormone ghrelin. Soups are also low in calories and full of nutrients (if full of veg).

See skinny soup for recipe. 


15) Neutralise your tastebuds

Sugar free gum, mint lolly or sugar free lolly after your meal to neutralise the pallet and send a definite signal that the meal is over. Brushing your teeth also works.


Tips to increase your calories OUT ( aka – move more )

When it comes to weight loss,  improving your nutritional plan will give you way more BANG for your BUCK than improving your exercise and movement plan.

Ever heard the phrase “You cant out train a bad diet” ? … Well its spot on.

That being said, exercising and moving more will give you so many wonderful benefits for your health, body, mind and well being.

16) Any time spent standing or moving will burn more calories than sitting

But please do it in a way that you enjoy

17) Exercise burns even more calories than simply moving around,

But please don’t go overboard. 3 – 6 hours per week of effective exercise is usually a sweet spot. Again, please choose exercise that you enjoy and that gives you more energy and willpower to stick to your nutritional plan.



Tips to get your mindset right

18) Get more “return on investment” by strengthening your weakest link

Weakest link instructions here

19) Quit the All or Nothing thinking

How much can I lose or gain in ONE day?

20) Don’t focus on the small rocks

Don’t sweat the small stuff

21) Be pulled by your desires, not pushed by your fears

“I cant wait to be able to run up that hill without stopping”,  instead of “I am so unfit right now”


22) Feel as good about yourself as possible

Look good >>> Feel good >>> More chance of taking positive actions

Take 5 minutes longer to choose a nice outfit that you feel great in, put on some lipstick or do whatever it is that makes you look good and feel good.

23) Don’t TRY, WANT or NEED to get fit and healthy..

Intend to get fit. Expect to get leaner and healthier.  (Words are important)

24) Use affirmations

Affirmations that work

25) Wear the (too tight) clothes that you want to get into.

When you have lost a few kilo’s or cm’s, your clothes get looser and people notice. That can sometimes trigger you to ease off on your plan and let a few little treats slip back in.

It is at this stage, I usually recommend pulling something out of the cupboard that is just a little snug, something that you are still aiming to fit into comfortably.  This is a reminder that you are not quite there yet, and you must stick to the plan until the goal has been reached.

** Check your emotions on this one. If it makes you feel crappy, give it a miss.

The feeling behind the action is always more important than the action itself.

Want more help?

Find out >> HERE <<  how I can help you achieve your health, fitness and weight goals.