(but will, after you read this)
1. I am an only child. But never felt lonely as I was surrounded by friends and neighbours growing up.
I had the most normal 70’s and 80’s childhood. Climbing trees, roller-skating and playing super heroes (I was ALWAYS Wonder Woman)
2. Unlike a lot of personal trainers, I never liked (and was never good at) team sports as a kid. However, I did play competition golf for about 10 years age 15 – 25. I am certainly no professional – but I can still hit a damn straight ball.
3. I fell into the fitness industry by accident.
I applied for a receptionist job at my local gym. A year or so later, they asked me if I wanted to study to become a qualified Personal Trainer. That was in 1995.
I started off teaching aerobics – Yes, grapevines and easy walks and I LOVED it.
I taught class numbers of about 90 people. It scared the hell out of me for the longest time. Now it feels like home. . As for class numbers, I still feel most comfortable with a big group. Teaching to 1 or 2 people still makes me a little nervous.

4. I was married and divorced young. No regrets, just one of those young and silly mistakes. Live and learn.
5. Adam is the love of my life. We were together 13 years before we finally got married in 2011.
I am very happy.
6. I chose to have 1 child – it feels normal to me. Becoming a Mum to Holly is the BEST thing that has happened in my life.
My heart feels so big it could burst. XXX
7. I have a wonderful group of girlfriends, we have been friends for more than 20 years. We call ourselves SNACK (initials of our first names)

8. I LOVE 70’s and 80’s music and hardly even know that modern music exists. If I had a time machine I would travel back to the 70’s. I would be in my element.

9. I got my first grey hair at about 24yrs old. and now I have about 60 – 70% grey hair. Thank goodness for hair dye. (cant believe I just admitted that one).
C’mon, you don’t really expect a pic of my grey hair do you???
10. I believe in the Law of Attraction.
I know it may sound woo-woo to some. But to me it simply means that if you look for the good, you will find more good, If you look for the bad you will find that too.
You can also view the official “stuff” about me here