Hi, Im Chriss.
I support self critical, over-thinking women to calm down their busy minds and live their best lives.

Mindfulness is an evidence based, proven way to calm down your busy mind.
Mindfulness Mentor Chriss Tinslay provides you with coaching, support and community.
Mindfulness Support Circle.


Hi there, I'm Chriss.
I'd love you to take a big deep, calming breath, relax your shoulders and know you're in the right place.
I want to help you achieve a calm, clear, peaceful mind and life, so you have the mental energy to live your best life.
No need to meditate for hours each day or move to a mountain top.
I will teach you easy, practical, simple mindfulness tools and techniques that work.
My over-thinking went from a 10 out of 10, to a 4 out of 10 after doing the course.
I am forever grateful.
Stacey B.
Worry Less. Live More.
Mindfulness tips on Instagram
Chriss Tinslay - Mindfulness Mentor
“I can’t tell you how much this group has meant to me. I’ve learnt so much, come so far and I’m so incredibly grateful for this life changing opportunity. I am still a work in progress but the skills and tools I have learnt here are such invaluable learning and I appreciate each and everyone of you for sharing yourselves and your lives with me.
Chriss, I am forever grateful to you for doing all the work to bring this course to life and for the huge impact that you and what you have taught me has had on me.”
Janene xxx