1st month update on my personal goals for 2014 (in green)
6 month update on my personal goals for 2014 (in blue)
9 month update on my personal goals for 2014 (in pink)
12 month update on my personal goals for 2014 (in orange)
I thought it might be fun to make my personal goals for 2014 public.
Just taking this step might be enough to ensure I follow through.
I am pretty sure only about 3 people and my Mum will be interested in having a sticky beak, but here goes anyway. (actually who am I kidding, my Mum doesn’t know how to use a computer, I will have to print it out for her).
Update on the above. Its actually my Dad who is reading this (and hassling me to update it). This update is for you Dad. XX
My “theme” or “words” for 2014 are –
As far as my professional life goes – my theme is
- Automate
- Simplify
- Improve
- Stream-line
- Repeat
And as for personal life – my theme is exactly the opposite
- Adventure
- Variety
- Spontaneous
- Change
Specific goals
- Blog posts once a week on all things fitness and fat loss. The posts must be Informative, Entertaining and Useful (I hope you guys LOVE them)
1st month update – Only OK on this front. I have added one on metabolism myths, one on Mel’s fat flush journey including before and after pics and the update that you are reading right now.
6 month update – I am pretty happy with this. It might not be as regular as once per week, but it’s pretty close. I hope you are enjoying the content.
9 month update – still going strong. Check out this one which has been quite popular “How to lose 1kg per week. A step by step guide”
12 month update – very happy with this. Think I am getting into the swing of this whole “blog thing”. Might actually be able to call myself a “blogger” soon. Ha ha ha. Recent blog post that I loved – “20 things I have learnt as a Personal Trainer” and coming early 2015 will be “10 weight loss secrets that I wish everyone knew”. It will be my most informative post yet !!
- Video lessons – more of them to be added into my coaching program www.4weekfatflush.com.au and to the free blog www.ChrissTinslay.com.au
1st month update – FAIL. Better luck next month
6 month update – 3 video posts added. I would call that a success. Check out this short and sweet one.
9 month update – so far I would call this a FAIL. (still got some time left to redeem myself)
12 month update – FAIL. But it is definitely something I will be aiming for in 2015.
- I will continue to tweak, test and improve the Fat Flush program. NOT to keep adding more and more information, rather to make the information REALLY sink in, so that it sticks in your memory forever.
1st month update – SUCCESS !!! I have extensively updated the daily lessons and I am very happy with the simplicity of it all.
6 month update – Exciting new updates coming soon. With much more personalised attention coming soon.
9 month update – New program to be launched January 2015. Fun, challenges, interactive, teamwork. . I cant wait !!
12 month update – New program coming along nicely. Keep your eyes out for it launching mid January
- I will coach 1000 happy people to change their lives and their bodies. To learn about how food and fitness affects them…. They will finally feel in control and empowered and have the knowledge to keep up these improvements FOREVER. They will LOVE the program and tell all of their friends about it. I will do this via the www.4weekfatflush.com.au program. Just like the happy people you see in this wonderful testimonial video.
Work in progress
6 month update – – still working on it
9 month update – – not sure if I will get to my goal of 1000. However, totally happy with the people I have helped and the results they have achieved
12 month update – Pretty sure I have helped over 1000 people in some small way. Especially over on my Facebook Page. Lots of great feedback and interaction happens there.
- I will run regular face to face Fat Flush Master-Class sessions in my local area. These sessions will be perfect for anyone who needs a more “hands on” approach. They will be a huge success. Just like the 2013 session was. The next one will be Saturday 1st Feb at Moorebank.
1st month update – HUGE SUCCESS. This was an awesome day. I also had it all professionally filmed an am very excited to see the results of that.
6 month update – – another HUGE success. I am running regular 8 week Fat Flush Master-classes and they are totally changing lives (and bodies). I am loving every minute of this.
- I will attend one short holiday with a self improvement aspect, something like Golden door etc. Thinking of Bali maybe ???
6 month update – Going to Bali on Thursday !!! For 10 days. So, so, so excited. Pics to follow.
9 month update – – Bali was AWESOME !!
- I will attend at least 4 seminars in 2014 with a self improvement theme. Either education or inspiration
1st month update – Nothing to report as yet
6 month update – Maybe 4 per year was going a little overboard. Nothing to report yet, but I do have something planned for August.
9 month update – FAIL !!! (What the hell was I thinking??)

- I will go on a cruise with some of my best girlfriends (booked for Feb – WOOOHOOOO)
February Cruise – YAY – – had a great time
- I will plant a small vegetable garden with my daughter Holly
1 month – Not yet.
6 month – Yes we have planted a SMALL vegie garden. Shallots, strawberries, chilli and lettuce. Its a start.
Still growing them (and eating them). No plans to expand.

- I will attend at least 4 live music concerts
Sort of – We went to see “The Illusionists” at the Opera House. Not music, but it was awesome and I’m counting it. 🙂
Saw the musical STRICTLY BALLROOM. Loved it.
9 month update – – does seeing a band at my local club count?? LOL.
- I will continue to attend my fortnightly business mentoring sessions with some wonderful and inspiring ladies.
Loving these sessions – this one is easy to tick off.
Still loving these.
Big tick – my favourite day .
- I will spend LESS time on Facebook and MORE time in nature
Not so sure I have made any progress here.
Ups and downs here. Should be fine in Bali.
9 month update – – small improvements made here. Progress, not perfection
- I will catch up with my best girlfriends more often. I know this won’t just happen, I will need to plan this ahead of time, so I will.
1 month – YES – success on this one. A couple of lunch dates, a double date movie to see Wolf of Wall Street so far
6 month – Yes – success. A weekend away in the Hunter Valley, a night out in the city, just to name a few. Love my girls. XX
9 month update – – regular lunches happening the first Thurs of every month. So glad we are doing this and staying connected
- I will find a new workout that I love and add it in (1 x week) to my current weekly routine. Something that feels totally “off the wall” for me (I am considering pole dancing… oops, did I just say that LOL)
Still looking
Started a heavy weights program at my local gym. Liking it, but not loving it. Need to tweak this.
Found a friend to join me at the gym sessions. Much better.
- I will go to 12 places I have never been before. New restaurants, parks, walking spots, activity days etc. (any suggestions appreciated)
Yes – Holly and I visited the Buddhist temple near Wollongong. It was great
6 month – Success
Bents Basin,
Bundeena bush walk,
The Grounds at Alexandria,
5D movie / ride. Which I had to stop half way through because of motion sickness – – How embarrassing.

9 month update – Honestly, this has been the BEST goal that I set this year. I plan on doing it every year. I highly recommend you try it if you are stuck in a rut (like I was)

- I will clean out my home office (finally) and finish painting the dining room (boring I know, but now it’s in black and white I have to do it)
ha ha ha ha
MAJOR house renovations planned. Even had a draftsperson out to measure up. SUCCESS.
Waiting, waiting
Well – there it is. I will aim to add to it throughout the year. And I will definitely keep it updated.
I would love it if you would check in on me every now and then to hold me accountable.
I will be a busy girl over the next few weeks and months.