15 Fat loss mistakes you are probably making

15 weight loss mistakes you don’t know you are making

1) Mistaking fitness for fat loss.

Its great that you are getting fitter, but that doesn’t have a whole lot to do with how much weight you lose

2) Not having any idea about calories

This doesn’t mean that you have to strictly count every calorie IN and OUT, but having some awareness that a calorie deficit is how weight loss works will go a long way towards achieving your goal.

3) Mistaking healthy eating for fat loss eating.

It’s great that you are eating healthy foods, but you need to be in calorie deficit to lose weight. I have seen many people gain body fat whilst only eating healthy foods

4) Trying to spot reduce

Doing 10,000 sit ups will not give you a flat tummy if there is excess body fat over the top of the muscles.

5) Exercising at a low – medium intensity to stay in the “fat burning zone”

6) Not moving enough throughout your day.

Separate to exercising. Maximising the 100+ hours that you are awake by getting off your butt more

7) Eating when NOT hungry and / or eating by the clock

Eat when hungry and stop when satisfied (not full)

8) Mistaking low fat or low sugar foods as a “free for all”.

Just because a food is low in one nutrient, doesn’t mean it will help you with your weight loss goal

9) Not factoring in hidden extra’s

Especially drinks. Fruit juices, sauces, flavourings, smoothies, coffees, alcohol, sports drinks etc.

They do very little to keep us full, yet they add lots of extra calories

10) Not getting enough quality sleep

This leads to disaster for health and weight goals.

11) Compensating for your exercise session

by rewarding yourself with more food or rest than you might normally have

12) Adopting a plan that is too far removed from your normal routine.

Less disruptions = more chance of weight loss success.

13) Ignoring your hormones.

The more insulin resistant you are the harder and slower fat loss will be.
Too much cortisol the stress hormone can also lead to disaster

14) Mistaking knowledge for action.

All of the education in the world wont do you any good until you actually start to use it.

15) Not getting help and support.

Making these changes can be hard, especially at first.  Surround yourself with like minded people.

Or get a professional coach (like me) to help you get started.

Want more help with your fitness and fat loss goals?

Check out how I can coach you to achieve the results you desire..

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