FAT – we need to talk.

Lets talk about FAT baby,body fat

Lets talk about you and me.

Lets talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be.

(is anyone singing to themselves right now? LOL)


But seriously….

FAT is NOT a dirty word.

Recently I posted a question on my facebook page . I asked about using the title “Fat Loss Coach”. I got all sorts of emotional responses.

People telling me that I should absolutely NOT use the term FAT.

Its a horrible word, they told me.

Absolutely do NOT use it, they told me.


So I tossed up the idea of using the title  “Weight Loss coach”. But I cannot do it.

I am NOT a weight loss coach.

I am a fat loss coach.

I teach people how to lose extra body fat from their bodies.

That may or may not result in losing weight from the scales. That person may lose 5kgs of body fat and put on 5kgs of lean muscle. Therefore will weigh exactly the same on the scales…..


look and feel so much better.


Lets take some emotion out of the word “fat”

Body fat is something we need. It keeps us warm, it protects our internal organs and it stores reserve energy for times that we might need it

Some of us have more of it than we would like at certain times in our lives (myself included), but the more we are scared of the term and let it have an emotional hold over us, then less in control of it we will be.


Oh and one last thing.

Fat is something that you HAVE on your body. It is not something that you ARE.

If you would like some help learning how to lose it AND keep it off long term, I would love to coach you.