Tuesday – Weigh in first thing and post your results on the Facebook page
Healthy nutrition
Weight loss day – 1.5gram of carb x body weight in kgs. The same for protein. Plus LOT’s of salad / veg.
Please feel free to split this up however suits your daily routine and hunger patterns best. If you are hungrier in the night, eat more then and less in the morning. If you are hungrier in the morning, then switch that around. Its the daily (and weekly) total that matters, not the timing of the meals.
Happy movement
No exercise today, but I do want you to do extra movement today in whatever way you enjoy. Up to 2 hours extra movement or an extra 10,000 steps on your pedometer. Feel free to break this up into smaller time chunks.
HOT tip
Include protein and vegetables early in your day to alleviate hunger and cravings. THIS vegetable frittata recipe would be a perfect breakfast option.
HOT lesson – How to count protein
Protein a) keeps us full, b) builds, maintains and repairs the cells in our body and c) is high in thermic effect. It is for these reasons that it we should eat within the range of 0.8 – 2.0 grams of protein x body weight in kgs.
I recommend to start at 1.5 grams of protein x body weight for ease of counting.
You can adjust up or down from there depending on your hunger levels.
Its fine if you don’t quite get to 1.5grams x bw, if you are somewhere in the above range. Especially if you are NOT hungry. If hunger continues, I would recommend to go back to the 1.5grams x body weight in kgs or higher.
How to count protein
Please know, we are counting the amount of protein contained in the food, NOT the weight of the food.
Example – –
- one 90 gram tin of tuna contains approx. 20 grams of protein
- 100 grams of chicken breast contains approx. 25 grams of protein.
- 2 slices of multi-grain bread can contain up to 10 grams of protein
The amount of protein (in red) is what you count.
If you don’t want to strictly count everything in grams, then simply aim to include one palm size serve of a protein rich food at least 3 x per day.
Can too much protein make us fat?
YES. Eating too much of anything can end up being converted to body fat….
However, it is harder to do because it keeps us so full
- Eating protein sends our brain and body a signal that we are full and to stop eating. This makes it much harder to over eat it. This is particularly true when we combine our protein with good fats.
- Think about eating 1000 calories worth of your favourite potato chips (one large bag). It is likely that you would still be hungry may even go searching for more food.
- Compared to eating 1000 calories worth of 12 boiled eggs (protein and fat). It is highly unlikely you could eat the whole 12, because you would get so full. ** Extreme example I know, but one to get you thinking.
- protein has a thermic effect of around 30% . So even if you do eat 1000 calories of protein, up to 300 of those calories get used up in the digestion process alone. Yay.
** Note, the thermic effect of protein powders and bars is unclear. It probably is NOT as high as protein in its natural form, so please keep them limited.
Last note.
- Wherever possible, please choose grass fed meat and wild fish rather than farmed.
- Limit processed meats such as ham and bacon (I still include them in small amounts because I find that I only need a small amount for a big bang of flavour)
- Limit red meat to maximum – 4 palm size serves per week and don’t over cook.
- Include fish for omega 3’s