Monday – Alcohol and how to count it
Healthy nutrition
Today is a “fat flush day” (low carbohydrate day).
If you had a higher carb / higher calorie intake over your weekend, then this lower carb / lower calorie day is simply to balance out your week. ** Remember we talked about it in the “planning your week video”
Please include one handful of a protein rich food and as much salad and vegetables as you like at each meal today.
Fat Flush suggestion for today – San choy bow. Page 41 from the recipe book.
Happy Exercise
Today I want you to improve your fitness test score from last Monday. The SUPER 700 fitness test that can be found at the bottom of THIS PAGE.
** Please be careful not to compensate for your exercise by resting more than you normally would. I discuss that in full HERE – Is this exercise mistake keeping you fat.
HOT tip
Changing your environment is so much easier than relying on willpower.
Get temptation out of the house and office. Don’t buy it at the supermarket. You cant mindless snack on something that isn’t there.
HOT Lesson – Alcohol and how to count it
I admit it. I don’t mind a drink or 2. However I certainly don’t kid myself. I know that it doesn’t help with my fat loss plan. I know that it adds calories with no nutritional purpose at all.
If you are going to enjoy a glass of alcohol in your plan, you will need to eat less of other foods to compensate. You need to know how to count it and how to manage it into your day.
Before I start…
I am about to get technical with counting grams of this and that. If you prefer to keep it really simple, please scroll to the bottom of the page for a super practical tip on how to include alcohol in your plan.
Please count one standard drink as 10 grams of carbs. Example – one nip (standard size serve) of vodka is to be counted as 10 grams of carb in your daily total.
One nip of vodka or any other straight spirit contains approx. 70 calories in case you were wondering.

However if the drink contains alcohol PLUS carbohydrates, then you need to count both.
Let me explain –
- Most schooners of beer contains 1.5 standard drinks (check the label of your favourite brand of beer)
- You need to count that as 15 grams of carbs.
- AND it ALSO contains 9 grams of carbs. You need to add that too.
- Total count = 24 grams of carb to count for each schooner of regular beer. Which is about the same as 2 slices of bread.

** Side note – What happens if you switch to low carb beer?
You still need to count 15 grams carbohydrate (that comes from the alcohol. 10 grams x 1.5 standard drinks), plus 5 grams of carbs (approx.)
Bringing your total count for that low carb beer to 20 grams of carb. (Not much of a saving as far as I am concerned)
I am picking on beer, but the same would apply for wine and any other alcohol that contains carbs AS WELL as alcohol. Especially those mixed with juice or soft drinks.
Check for carb content in your choice of drink.
Also see Susie Burrells top 5 lighter alcohol choices
How to keep it super simple and practical
Listen, I don’t expect you to count every single gram of everything that goes into your mouth. To keep it super simple, please know that you can consume 2 glasses of alcohol OR the carb portion of your meal.
Example –
- You can have chicken, salad and potato
- OR
- Chicken, salad and wine
- Not both
Obviously the potato will keep you fuller, is healthier for you and provides nutrients. Of course I don’t want you to make this swap all of the time, but I am a realist. I want you to know how it can fit into your day without ruining your weight loss plan.
Go to Week 4, Lesson 2 – Fibre