Revision plus extra homework

Have you let any of your habits slip?

Revision week.

1) Consume veggies with most meals in order to fill you up.

The vegetables, salad and fruit should “crowd out” other foods, resulting in you eating less calories overall due to the fact that the vegetables have filled you up and provided you with lots of nutrients.


2) A handful of protein rich food with most meals.

In order to keep you full and maintain your muscle mass.


3) Only eat when hungry and stop when satisfied.

Take note of what foods keep you fuller for longer and include more of those.
**Tips – slow down your eating, eat without distractions, take a half time break to check in with your hunger levels.


4) Move more each day in whatever way you enjoy.

Link something positive, fun or practical to your daily movement.


This week I want you to revise and focus on the past 4 weeks habits. In particular any that may have slipped.

Extra homework

1 . Become the expert on yourself by completing THIS QUESTIONAIRE

2 . Determine your weakest link and come up with 10 – 20 solutions to strengthen it. Full details HERE

3 . Post your findings over on the closed Facebook page