Lesson 5 – Make your life more interesting than food

Make your life more interesting than food.

I love this quote, which came from respected psychologist Dr Tim Sharp from TV’s “Excess Baggage” as he discussed the psychology of weight loss.

Do you struggle with your weight because you love food more than you love other parts of your life?

Think about it….if you are in an amazing relationship, busy socially, deeply stimulated by the work you are doing and personally fulfilled with hobbies and interests there is very simply far less time to think about food in general.

In most cases though, we are annoyed with our partners so we eat, we are bored at work so we eat, our friends are also unfulfilled so we eat with them and in our spare time we have nothing much to do so we eat.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, the best thing you can do to break free from your constant eating cycle is to get busy doing the things you love and most importantly, start to consider what it really is that makes you happy.

Does your relationship or career need an overhaul?  Do you need a new hobby or even new friends? Once life revolves around life rather than food, only then will you be in a better place to gain control of your eating, once and for all.

It can also come down to where you put your main focus.

Do you focus on the 99 things that are going right in your life?

Or do you focus on the one or two things that you are not happy with?

When you really think about it, a big percentage of the world these days would do anything to swap problems with us.

We live in warm comfortable homes, with a constant supply of food and supplies all around us and have so much in life to be grateful for.


Chriss’ Tip

When you wake up in the morning, before you think about anything else, take 5 minutes and have a think about all the wonderful things in your life.  Try to add something new each morning.