Awesome news for anyone wanting to lose weight and keep it off long term

I am not proud

I am not proud to say that I believed AND SHARED this false message. (Damn it, I should know better).
But it’s NOT FACT – which is great news !!
The (false) statement I speak of??

95% of dieters regain their lost weight (plus more)

It sounds right doesn’t it?
We have all heard it a million times.
But researchers say they have no idea how many people lose weight and keep it off.
The statistic often makes people feel hopeless.
Why bother starting if 95% of people fail?
What you believe to be true often becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


This new information gives so many people more true hope. YAY

I have personally seen a MUCH higher success rate with my habit change coaching program – Healthy, Happy Habits

I would hazard a guess that 99.9% of people who try some sort of gimmick or quick fix to lose weight will regain it.

People who try science, facts based lifestyle changes have a MUCH higher success rate.

Way higher than the 5% that we previously believed.


This is awesome news if you want to lose weight and keep it off.

Some lessons..


  • Have realistic expectations. You probably don’t need to get down to the weight or shape you were at 21 yrs old (example)  Setting yourself a realistic goal is a great start to putting sensible steps into place to get there.


  • Start with the easiest and smallest lifestyle changes you can, get some small wins under your belt to gain confidence, then choose another change to work on, and so on.


Full article from NY Times here >> 95% regain lost weight… or do they?

What do you think?

Does this give you more hope? Have you lost weight and kept it off?

I would love to hear from you over on my Facebook Page


Coaching with Chriss – Online habit change program