Kym recently participated in my updated 4 week fat flush program.
She had such awesome results and success. Luckily for us she has agreed to be interviewed in the hopes of inspiring and educating others on the same journey.
I hope you enjoy Kym’s interview as much as I do.
1) Kym, how did you look and feel before your weight loss journey?
I looked and felt awful.
I was caught up in a spiral of bad habits including poor food choices, overeating, emotional eating, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and the list goes on. I was overweight, unhealthy and I well and truly felt it!
2) Had you tried to lose weight and get healthier previously?
I have tried to lose weight and get healthier previously so many times I’ve lost count.
I’ve done Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Lite N Easy, Paleo Diet, I Quit Sugar program, Michelle Bridges, numerous gym memberships and so on.
I have had some success with some of these programs, but they were restrictive, expensive, time consuming and I never really learnt anything. When I stopped them, old habits returned and so did my weight.
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3) What prompted your decision to try the updated 4 week fat flush program?
I was fed up with myself, I knew I had to do something otherwise my weight was going to continue to pile on. I have done two previous programs with Chriss and learnt some valuable information and when I saw the updated 4WFF program I took the plunge and signed up.
I can honestly say that I made the right choice.
4) Tell us a bit about your journey
My journey doing fat flush has been a great and rewarding success for me. This program has provided me with some valuable knowledge that has been a game changer for me.
At last the penny has dropped.
I have lost 5.8kgs and 29cms in 4 weeks and I am confident that I can continue my weight loss journey and reach my goal and maintain it!
I have found the 4WFF easy and have been able to integrate my knowledge and good habits into my family life. My family are also eating better and exercising more which has definitely been an added bonus.

** Kym’s 10kg loss update **
Kym contacted me a short time afterwards, on her birthday of all days, to let me know she has now lost 10kgs.
Woohooo, great stuff Kym!

5) What do / did you like best about the program?
What I like best about it is that it’s so simple and makes so much sense.
The private Facebook group is a great support network. But most of all Chriss has a wealth of knowledge and explains everything in an easy to understand way.
I have learnt more from Chriss in the 18 months I have known her than I have from the numerous weight loss journeys I have undertaken in my adult life.
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6) How do you look and feel now?
I look and feel healthier, lighter, more motivated, have more energy and I am much happier!
7) What advice would you give to others?
My advice is if you are wanting to make a change to better your health, give this program a go, what have you got to lose.
You might even learn a few things and lose some weight along the way
Wow, thanks so much Kym for your honesty and transparency.
I’m sure many others will be inspired to make some positive changes to their health and fitness.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1517447469913{background-color: #9dd9db !important;}”]
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