Do you want to …
- Stop self sabotage
- End procrastination
- Stop beating yourself up
I’ve got good news for you.
Contrary to popular belief, these things are NOT YOU, they are simply habits of thought. Habits can be changed.
Habits of thought
We often think of bad habits as physical actions we take, like nail biting or eating too much chocolate after dinner.
Habits of thought can be sneakier.
They can feel like they are a part of us, instead of a behaviour that we do.
I hear many clients tell me …
“I’m just an over-thinker, I have always been this way”
They have totally “stepped into” and identified with their habit of thought.
A more helpful approach would be to say…
“In the past I’ve had a habit of over-thinking. Now I know I can create new neural pathways in my brain and adopt a new healthier habit of thought”.
Habits create well worn pathways in the brain.
** See the simple video below, or think about a skier grooving down a well worn pathway in a snow covered hill.
You weren’t born with these habits , you created them.
If you created the habit, you can un-create it and create a new positive habit instead
It will take belief, practice, perseverance, knowledge and repetition. But it can be done.
Check out the below fascinating clip.
It clearly demonstrates how we can unlearn a well worn habit (pathway in the brain) and re-learn a new way.