It’s getting to the point in the year where I am thinking about setting goals for next year.
I don’t know about you, I am great at looking forward, but I am pretty hopeless at looking back and reflecting (learning) from what has happened in the past.
I wanted things to be different this year. I wanted to take some time to look back over what my year was like to see what I can learn from it, to see how I can make changes to the upcoming year.
Find out more about Chriss Tinslay HERE.
It’s not always as conscious as a clear thought. In fact more often than not. It’s usually a subtle icky feeling.
It has taken some time, effort and practice to calm down the stress response (icky feeling), to allow the thought behind it to come through. Because make no mistake, there is always a thought behind the feeling.
Thoughts >> Feelings >> Actions >> Results
You would have NEVER known that I was struggling from outside appearances. I explain that I was like a duck. On the surface it may have looked like I was gliding along, but underneath I was flapping about at a million miles per hour.
I thought that “putting on a brave face” was a strength. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Not allowing myself to be vulnerable and to ask for help (bottling it up), was like an explosion waiting to happen.