30 Actionable tips to start losing weight TODAY

We know to lose weight we need to create a calorie deficit.

** IE.  Consume less calories than we consume.

You can view my video explanation below (including props) 


Whilst the above is true and correct, its not super ACTIONABLE.

I was recently asked over on my Facebook page to give some more practical tips and instructions.  Messaged received loud and clear. I promised I would come up with a simple list, here it is..

These tips will help you reduce your calories IN and increase your calories OUT in a healthy and sustainable way.

1) Don’t eat unless “fairly hungry” .
Even if this means breaking the so called rules

2) Slow down your eating

3) Eat mindfully without distractions

4) Eat protein with each meal to keep you full

5) Bulk up your meal with vegetables… LOTS !!

6) Cut down or cut out your drinks except for water

7) Set a reminder on your phone to get up and move for a few minutes every hour

8) Schedule active dates with friends instead of eating / drinking dates

9) Learn to love left overs. You don’t need to eat everything on your plate. Left overs make a great lunch the next day

10) Cut down on sauces, flavourings, oils and extras. They all add extra calories

11) Choose meals that keep you full instead of simply choosing “low calorie foods”

12) Adopt a delay and distract strategy when you want to eat or drink when not hungry

13) Find an exercise session that you enjoy, or at the very least don’t hate. Keep searching until you find one.

14) Get Quality SLEEP

15) Don’t sweat the small stuff – ie Stress less

16) Don’t try to fix what’s not broken.  Already eat a healthy breakfast? No need to overhaul it.

17) Learn to read food labels.
How many calories? Think about how full will it keep you? (just to get you started)

18) Feel good about yourself and your life.  Write a gratitude list each day

19) Cut down on alcohol and / or dilute it with soda water.

20) Cook your own meals instead of having take away or restaurant meals

21) Use smaller plates

22) Unfollow social media pages with calorific food options and pictures

23) Unfollow social media pages that make you feel bad about yourself

24) Enjoy your food so that you feel satisfied

25) Get rid of the ALL or NOTHING – Perfection mindset

26) Get support – Join a group or get a coach

27) Journal your thoughts.  Work through your negative thoughts and struggles

28) Have 1 or 2 lighter / balance days in your week to offset any days you might have overdone things

29) Stop micro-managing each meal. The weekly total is whats important

30) Build some lean muscle mass

Phewwww.  There you go.

What tips are you going to implement??


Would you like more help and coaching with reaching your health, fitness and body goals?

I am taking on 10 more beta testers for my new coaching program, before I double the price and release it to the general public.

Check out FIRST STEPS TO FASTING or email me at Chriss@ChrissTinslay.com if you would like to test it out.
