These rice paper rolls are my go to dinner when I have left over chicken.
My (11 year old) daughter Holly helps me make them. They are a little bit messy and fiddly to prepare, but that’s half the fun. Oh and eating them with your hands is fun too. Holly doesn’t even realise she is eating a healthy meal. 😉
They are relatively low in carbohydrates, low in calories, high in taste, high in goodness. What more could you want in a meal?
- Chicken (I use leftovers). Prawns would work well too
- Grated carrot
- Sliced cucumber
- Diced shallots from my garden. (They are so easy to grow)
- Slendier slim noodles, prepared then cut up with kitchen scissors. (made from the vegetable konjac. I add hidden veg to a meal whenever I get the chance. Slendier products makes it so easy. Full of fibre and low in calories. Double bonus)
- Bean sprouts (optional)
- Capsicum (optional)
** NOTE –
I am not fancy. I grate and dice all ingredients. I find its easier to eat that way. If you want to get fancier, you can cut ingredients into long strips. Looks better. Tastes the same.

Slendier slim noodles = hidden veg.
Low in calories. High in fibre. I add them to lot’s of meals that I need to bulk up with goodness without adding extra calories.
Rice paper looks like this before it’s prepared

Finished rice paper rolls

Serve with low salt soy sauce or a small amount of sweet soy – kecap manis (very high in sugar).
Dinner = sorted.
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With 20 years experience, Chriss Tinslay is one of Australia’s leading Personal Trainers.
Chriss believes that fitness and fat loss should fit into your fabulous life, NOT take over it. You can connect with her on Facebook where she shares useful tips each and every day