What do you really want?

What’s the real reason you still eat or drink too much _______ (insert your fav treat) ??

This week I want you to journal (or at least think about) what emotion your are trying to fill when you eat / drink when not hungry…

  • This might be when you are mindlessly snacking in between meals
  • Or when you cant stop eating after you know you have had enough.


This habit does not require you to stop doing the action (of eating when not hungry).
There might be too much resistance to get an honest answer from yourself.

This habit is simply about becoming aware of the feelings and answers that come up for you.

Example questions to ask yourself…

1. Even though I am absolutely allowed to eat or drink  _____, What need am I trying to fill?

2. How would I feel if I chose not to eat / drink it?

3. What’s the worst case scenario that would happen if I didn’t eat / drink it?
*Sometimes it helps to think about the worst case scenario, to realise that its not actually bad or scary after all.
**But if this question doesn’t work for you, then leave it out.

4. Is there something else that would help me more than this food?
Eg. sleep, rest, connection, entertainment, etc.

Ideally you should ask yourself these questions before you have eaten, but I know that sometimes you wont think of it til after the fact.   That’s fine, ask yourself the questions as soon as possible.

Some emotions that you may be trying to avoid

  • Stress
  • Anger
  • Loneliness
  • Boredom
  • Anxiety
  • Overwhelm
  • Sadness
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Self hatred
  • Fear

Don’t underestimate this step

I believe that for most people,  mastering this habit is MORE important than all the others combined. Please don’t be tempted to gloss over it.

Further recommended viewing…

I don’t know if you have every heard of a technique called EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, its a little bit woo-woo, and a little bit out there. But hey, sometimes its worth giving a shot to off the wall ideas.

This Brad Yates video might help you the next time you want to “stuff your face” (as he calls it) for reasons other than hunger.