Wednesday – Fat

Healthy Nutrition

Weight loss day – 1.5gram of carb x body weight in kgs and the same for protein, plus LOT’s of salad / veg.

Please feel free to split this up however suits your daily routine and hunger patterns best. If you are hungrier in the night, eat more then and less in the morning. If you are hungrier in the morning, then switch that around. Its the daily (and weekly) total that matters, not the timing of the meals.


Happy Exercise

Today I want you to do any exercise session that A) gets you huffing and puffing out of your comfort zone and B) uses and overloads all of your muscle groups. You can choose an exercise session from the video instructions HERE, or you can do your own session as long as fits the criteria.


HOT tip

A healthy, balanced meal (with all 3 macro-nutrients), should keep you full for at least 3 hours. Take note of which meals keep you fuller for longer. Include more of those in your plan.


HOT lesson – Fat

Just the word alone is enough to conjure up emotional feelings and images.

Dietary fat is not good, bad or ugly (or any other emotional term you might like to associate with it). It is simply one of the 3 macro nutrients that our body needs.

Dietary fat has important functions to perform in our body,  that other macronutrients cannot do. That is why it is essential that we eat some fat each day.We need fat to assist in vitamin absorption, insulate and protect our organs and cells and to give us energy to use.

I recommend you include a little bit of fat in each meal. The fat should come from natural sources and ideally be included in the food, not added to the food like deep frying and greasy take away food.

Most meats, sea-foods and dairy already contain some fat. Olives, avocados, nuts etc are great too. So no need to add extra to a meal that contains these.

If your meal is very low in fat, example white fish and vegetables, then you might like to add a small amount of your favourite olive or coconut oil to ensure that you are getting some fat with that meal. About 1 teaspoon per meal should do the trick.

Don’t go overboard

Fat is the most calorie dense macro-nutrient, so don’t go overboard with it. 1 teaspoon of oil or butter contains 100 calories. Remember way back in Lesson 1 we discuss the fact that a calorie deficit is the number 1 step in your weight loss plan. It is easy to go over your calorie target for the day by consuming too many high fat foods.

Adding calories from fat to your meal in the form of olive oil or avocado etc. has the benefit of keeping you full, compared to if you add calories from sugar to your meal in the form of high sugar sauces and flavourings.

If you do have a meal that is high in healthy fats, such as salmon, avocado or nuts, you may want to decrease the carbohydrate portion of that meal.

Last note

More and more research is coming through advising us to steer clear of vegetable oils and margarine. I happen to agree with this. Natural fat sources in small quantities are the way to go.



Go to Week 3, Lesson 4 – Managing blood sugar – – HERE