Friday – Insulin resistance

Friday – please think about meal planning for next week

Keep it simple. Choose 4 or 5 of your favourite dinners. Give them a makeover if necessary to fit the guidelines.


Healthy Nutrition

Weight loss day – 1.5gram of carb x body weight in kgs and the same for protein, plus LOT’s of salad / veg.

Please feel free to split this up however suits your daily routine and hunger patterns best. If you are hungrier in the night, eat more then and less in the morning. If you are hungrier in the morning, then switch that around. Its the daily (and weekly) total that matters, not the timing of the meals.


Happy Exercise

Today I want you to do any exercise session that A) gets you huffing and puffing out of your comfort zone and B) uses and overloads all of your muscle groups. You can choose an exercise session from the video instructions HERE, or you can do your own session as long as it fits the criteria.


HOT tip

Choose meals and foods that feel normal to you. Simply give them a makeover to fit the guidelines of one handful carb, one handful protein, lots of salad / veg. The more normal this meal plan feels, the better chance you have of continuing long term.


HOT lesson – Are you insulin resistant?

  • Have you ever started a fitness and fat loss program and achieved very slow or very little results?
  • Do you hold most of your extra weight around your middle?
  • Do you get tired soon after eating a meal?
  • Do you regularly get sugar and carbohydrate cravings?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be on the path to insulin resistance.


The goal of this program is for you to become more insulin sensitive and less insulin resistant.

  • If you are INSULIN SENSTIVE  fat burning is easy and fat storage is hard.
  • If you are INSULIN RESISTANT  fat burning is hard and fat storage is easy.


The fatter we get, the more insulin resistant we become,

The more insulin resistant we become, the fatter we get.

Generally this fat will be held around our mid-section, a common symptom of insulin resistance. The process of changing from insulin resistant to insulin sensitive can take some time.

You may be making great changes to your eating and exercise plan and seeing very little results. Stick with it. If you choose a plan that manages your blood sugar levels (like this one), then you will be improving your insulin sensitivity and your hormonal health even if the weight is not coming off as fast as you might have hoped.

When you your body finally does become more insulin sensitive, EVERYTHING will flow and become so much easier.


I like this video to explain it all


Also, PLEASE see Rosie’s Weight loss story on this topic.

I am sure many of you will be able to relate to it. Particularly if your results are slow at first.

I have written an extensive post on Insulin Resistance and your weight including 7 action steps to take.

I urge you to read it if you think this may be a concern to you (5 minutes reading time)
