
To realise you are not your thoughts, is when you begin to awaken spiritually

- Eckhart Tolle

Create space and distance from your thoughts..

1.  You are not your thoughts. They are separate to you. Temporary.

2. You are the blue sky. Thoughts and feelings are the weather. Let them pass through you without judgement or “attaching” to them

3. The goal is not “No thoughts”, the goal is to not take your thoughts so seriously.

4. Negative thoughts are normal. It’s not your brains job to make you happy. It’s your brain’s job to keep yo alive. It does this by looking for danger. 

5. You are capable of change. You trained yourself into your current thought habits, you can train yourself out of them. 

6. We need to care for our mental health each day, just like we exercise regularly to maintain our physical health and fitness. #DailyMindHygeine

4 step T.A.C.T.  method

Further learnings

How and why the brain looks for danger (thinks negatively)

You are capable of changing your brain (and your life)

Every time you have a new thought or repeat an old one, you create or strengthen a pathway in your brain.  You are capable of creating and strengthening new, empowering thoughts and beliefs  … and  …weakening old negative thoughts that are no longer serving you. 

I can’t wait to connect with you again next week
and remember... don't believe everything you think.


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