Program Wrap Up – – A Cheat Sheet

Important Points to Remember


  • You will never achieve fat loss if you don’t come to a calorie deficit at the end of the week, but remember we are going to come at that deficit as a by-product of this program, NOT focus solely on it.


  • We are looking for a weekly calorie target – how you set that up is personal preference and should feel natural and easy. It will be different for everyone. Do what works for YOU. Go with your natural hunger patterns.


  • Keep your carb intake limited to under your daily limit of 1.5grams of carb x your body weight (kgs).


  • Carbs are in almost all foods. NEVER ASSUME. Don’t assume that bread contains carbs but something else does not. Check ALL labels until you become familiar. If there is no label, then is a great place to check all foods. Maximum 100 grams total carbs per day. (A little less if you are very sedentary or a small female). Please check sauces, flavourings etc. as they can be very high in carbohydrate content.


  • Vegies, vegies, vegies. Unlimited vegetables are allowed and encouraged. Excluding carrots, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin and corn – these veg are allowed but not unlimited.


  • Insulin is a big part of the fat loss equation. After you eat a meal high in carbohydrates – particularly sugar and refined carbs, your body releases insulin.
  • When insulin is low   – you BURN body fat.
  • When insulin is high – you STORE body fat


  • If you have enough carbohydrates in your system, your body never has to dip into its reserves (stored body fat).


  • 1 fat flush day (or up to 3, if you have really gone overboard) is enough to deplete your excess carbs and start you off on a fresh slate again.


  • The slowing down of your metabolism occurs when you stay under 8400 calories per week – NOT when you skip a meal, or if you have a light calorie day every now and then. One free day per week should ensure that you will never go into starvation mode.


  • You don’t have to rely on someone else, or a fancy piece of equipment, or an expensive gym, to get a great all over body workout. You don’t even need a lot of time.


  • Movement is different from exercise, but just as important. Doing your exercise for the day does NOT give you permission to sit on your butt for the rest of the day. Remember, moving and walking around burns 4 calories per minute.  Sitting burns 1 calorie per minute. (approx.) 10,000 steps for health.


  • Portion control of real, natural foods is all you need.Don’t over-complicate it. Get into a routine and always make extras for other days. Less choice, usually leads to better results.


  • One handful of lean protein, one handful of complex carbs and lots of salad and veg.


  • Even though there are no carbohydrates in most alcohol, alcohol affects your body in the same way as simple carbohydrates.It encourages fat storage. It lowers your will power.It is full of empty calories that don’t fill you up. It STOPS fat burning


  • A little planning and preparation goes a long way.


  • A slip up is not a set-back. Stop, learn something from your mistakes, and make adjustments. You are only ever 1 fat flush day and 1 great work out from turning it all around.


  • Keep the junk food out of the house / car / work-place. Be strong once when shopping and you won’t need to keep strong 100 times a day.


  • Set yourself short term, measurable goals.


  • Love your life and keep positive. Hating your body is NO way to transform it.


  • You don’t need to spend hours in the gym. Put some intensity into your short workout and you will keep burning fat and calories for hours after your session as well as during.


  • Even though artificial sweeteners contain no calories, they are not great for your body. Keep them to a minimum.