Include exercise that you enjoy

This weeks habit is to find and include exercise that you enjoy.


Replay of Facebook live lesson from this week

Q. How much exercise do you need to do to lose weight?

A. None

You don’t have to exercise to lose weight and be healthy. Really you don’t… and that’s coming from someone who teaches exercise for a living.

Weight loss can and should occur from the previous habit changes…

  • Prioritize veggies and include them with most meals
  • Move regularly each day
  • Include protein with most meals
  • Eat when fairly hungry, stop when satisfied.

Exercise is considered a nice little bonus to weight loss, but not a MUST.

If  YOU CHOOSE to move your body with a little more oomph a couple of times per week,  (because that’s all exercise is, you know) then YOU get to choose the WHAT, WHY, IF, WHEN and HOW of it all.


I really hope that you find a way to exercise that feels like a gift, not a chore. But if you cant, then I want you to leave out exercise… for now at least. You can always readdress this habit at a later date.

eat well and exercise


Please answer the following questions..

1) When I envision myself in an ENJOYABLE physical activity,  I see myself doing  ______________

2) I love it when I get the following feeling and experiences from physical activity  ___________

3) I hate it when I get the following feelings and experiences from physical activity ___________

4) As a result of regularly being active, I want to feel / experience _____________

5) I am willing to include ________ activity / exercise session 3 x per week for the next 5 years (at least)

Best possible outcome

Ideally, you come up with the perfect exercise solution for YOU from the above homework and it totally fits in with your current schedule. If that is the case, simply make that happen and include it 2 – 5  times per week (short sessions are fine)

2nd best possible outcome

Find something that comes close to your ideal desired way to move your body and include it 2 – 5 times per week. You may need to link something positive to the activity, such as meeting with friends, listening to your favourite music or being out in nature (examples only)

3rd best possible outcome

Find an activity to do that you feel neutral about (no negative feelings) and do it 2 – 4 times per week.

You will need to link something positive to the activity.

You should also come up with a NOW benefit to attach to the activity. Example, I will feel less stressed and more energetic directly after my exercise session,  compared to a FUTURE benefit. Example –  I will do this session now, so that I might be healthier in the future.

4th best possible outcome

You leave out exercise all together (for now). You focus on all of the previous habits we have covered, knowing that overall health and reaching a healthy weight are absolutely possible this way.


Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

Instructions for those of you who already enjoy 3 – 5 exercise sessions per week

  1. Please ask yourself if you can give a little more Ooomph to any of your sessions. Its fine if the answer is an honest NO. But if its a YES, then focus on getting a little more from your current sessions, rather than adding more.
  2. Are you covering both types of exercise?
  • A) huffing and puffing (with some periods outside comfort zone)
  • B) using and overloading all of your muscle groups evenly

Click Here for some at home exercise suggestions (video instructions)