Turn your walk into a workout

I love walking

I don’t know about you, but I don’t need any willpower to go out for a walk. It clears my mind and puts me in a much better mood.

There are so many benefits to going for a daily walk. However, it does not cover all muscle groups of your body. Below is an easy way to turn your walk into a full body workout




walking workout

Tips to add more walking into your day

  1. Walk to the shops or anyplace that is a short distance
  2. Walk in your lunch break
  3. Be specific and schedule your walks. Example – I will walk every morning at 6.30am before breakfast.
  4. Take the stairs
  5. Park further away

Tips to get more oooomph out of your walk

  1. Add hills
  2. Add higher intensity bursts. Ie – walk at a regular pace for 1 minute, then walk at a fast pace for the next minute, repeat.
  3. Aim to walk the same distance at a faster time each day. Make a game of it. Map my Walk app is great to track your distance and time.
  4. Carry something heavy like the grocery bags, push a pram, carry a back pack when hiking

Tips to enjoy your walks

  1. Walk with friends. Schedule these in to keep you all accountable
  2. Listen to your favourite music or podcasts
  3. Walk in nature
  4. Do something productive like grocery shopping
  5. Walk in the shopping centre if you like window shopping
  6. Join a walking group
  7. Search for Pokémon
  8. Join or start a step challenge. The person with the most weekly or monthly steps wins a prize (or bragging rights). Be careful this doesn’t get out of hand and lead to over use injuries.


Have you checked out my walking for weight loss coaching program?
