Back story…
I received a notification that Marlene had joined one of my online coaching programs.
- My first thought = GREAT! That’s an awesome program
- Second thought = Bummer, its not live at the moment.
I contacted Marlene and told her that she could definitely go through the program solo, as all of the lessons and info are included.
BUT it wouldn’t have the live Facebook group coaching aspect that is often the missing ingredient. Doing all together with a team of like minded individuals, not to mention the fact that I jump in there almost daily with live video lessons and accountability check ins.
I told Marlene that FASTING for FAT LOSS was open and she was welcome to join that one. I explained that many of the lessons are the same. Ie – move more, eat more veg, recipes, video instructions, motivational video tips etc.
Marlene was sceptical, as she had tried 5:2 fasting before and failed miserably (her words). But she was willing to give it a go.
“This should be interesting“, I thought to myself. “Lets see if I can convert this total sceptic who is convinced this wont work for her”.
Here is Marlene’s case study interview…
1) How did you look and feel before your weight loss journey?
I felt bloated and fat.
This year has been a bit of an emotional and physical roller coaster for me. I had a major family loss which took a big toll on me and I contracted Ross river virus about the same time, which has been very debilitating requiring 6 weeks off work. All and all not a good start to the year but I’m feeling on top of things now, and my life is back on track.
2) Had you tried to lose weight and get healthier previously?
I think I have tried nearly every diet (except Paleo as I don’t eat meat). One bookshelf is made up of all my diet books which I will now get rid of. …YAY.
I never lost weight on any of the diets as I need nearly instantaneous results or I just give in.
So start a diet Monday finish on Tuesday sort of thing ha ha. I also have/had nearly every bit of exercise equipment you can imagine which has only been used once or twice.

3) What prompted your decision to lose weight and get healthier?
I felt like I wasn’t in control of my life and body anymore.
I was a serial grazer and binge eater of crappy food ( ie family packs of salt and vinegar and hot chips) mostly in the evening. I didn’t even really enjoy them but couldn’t stop until I had finished the packet. Then after one such night I googled something like “help me I can’t stop eating rubbish” and Chriss’ blog came up, lucky me.
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4) Tell us a bit about your IF journey…
Well I was really attracted to one of the programs that I’d seen on Chris’s blog.
I wasn’t interested in the 5:2 as I’d tried it before and failed miserably
As there wasn’t a program up and running I slotted into the 5:2. I am so glad I did. The first couple of fast days were pretty hard and they still can be at times. But I found out that feeling a little bit hungry is ok and it means you are burning body fat not food.
I didn’t think I would manage it but I do quite well and results show within days. That was a big motivating factor for me.
5) What (if any) are the negatives?
Obviously feeling a bit hungry at times is a downside, but it’s only for two days a week, not every day like most diets. Before I did this program I didn’t even recognise true hunger as I was grazing all the time. Now I feel more uncomfortable when I’m over full than when I’m hungry and I know the difference between eating for hunger and eating for boredom or stress etc.
It’s very achievable.
6) What do you like best about it?
I like that I’m in control of my eating again.
I’m so much more calorie aware. I like that if I stuff up one day and overeat it doesn’t matter as I have the knowledge, support and motivation to get back on track the next day and I do.
I like that I’ve lost almost 4kgs in 4 weeks which I’ve never done before. It will be my way of life now.
I’m looking forward to the day where I’m at my comfy weight when I can just have a light eating day every now and then to get my self back on track if I’ve over indulged .
I’m in control now, no more binge eating for me.
7) How do you look and feel now?
I feel so good.
I am starting to fit back into my clothes and just feel happier in general. I certainly wasn’t morbidly obese but I was getting steadily fatter from poor eating habits and felt stodgy and dissatisfied.
I know I can do it now. If I who detests exercise except for walking my dog can do it anyone can, with a bit of support.

8) Why do you think you succeeded this time, when you had previously failed?
I failed 5:2 last time as I was only doing it from a book (I think I borrowed from the library) with no support or understanding of how or why. Joining your Chriss’ group and having access plus support from my very own coach was awesome.
I just clicked with your non judgemental, easy going, yet professional way of teaching and sharing your knowledge.
I also LOVE the closed face book group, being able to communicate and gain support from fellow fastens in the same position.
9) What advice would you give others wanting to try it?
Just give it a crack.
I can’t believe I’m giving advice to have a go as I am the worst dieter in history, but it’s working for me and that’s all good as far as I’m concerned.
Good luck. XXX
Thanks so much Marlene.
I’m sure your story will encourage and inspire others.
Would you like help and coaching with commencing your fasting for health journey?
I would love for you to join me at
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Next round starting soon