Youfoodz is a healthy food delivery service that does all of the planning, preparing and cooking for you.
Plus – How to get $50 off your first order!!
You may or may not know, I was a health, fitness and fat loss coach for 20 years before I transitioned into Mindfulness coaching.
I am also a very lazy cook.
Youfoodz meals are ideal for those times when I just can’t be bothered cooking anything and I would otherwise be tempted to grab take away.
Below I’ll lay out a list of pro’s and cons of Youfoodz.
Things I love
They do all the preparing, planning and cooking for you.
Captain Obvious I know.
There was once a time when I would feel guilty around paying someone to do this, but then I realised its no different to paying a café or fast food joint to do the same.
Guilt = eased.
Easy and convenient
One of the strategies I used to teach my health and fitness clients was SKILLPOWER not WILLPOWER.
Optimising my environment, making healthy meals easy and unhealthy meals inconvenient is SO MUCH EASIER than relying on willpower.
I am way more likely to eat a healthy meal if its sitting right there in my fridge.
Get a $50 off your first meal delivery >> HERE <<
The meals are delicious
Truly. It makes sense Youfoodz are so popular. They are SO yummy.
My favs are the salmon and mash with balsamic glaze, anything Mexican flavoured, satay chicken and the lasagne.
The meals are calorie controlled / no guess work
Unlike when you grab a meal from a café or fast food place, these meals are all balanced and calorie controlled.
This aspect is ideal for anyone watching their weight.
The meals are filling
Its one thing to be calorie controlled, but if the meals don’t keep you full its pointless. You will be hungry again in an hour and end up over eating.
The Youfoodz meals I have tried have kept me full and satisfied for hours.
Healthy and balanced
If you have followed me for any length of time, you will know I’m a huge fan of the portion plate guidelines.
Most of the Youfoodz meals contain a nice balance of all 3 macronutrients.
There are a few without vegetables, like the lasagne. I add an easy packet salad to mine for fibre and crunch.
Get $50 off your first Youfoodz order HERE
Other similar services choose the meals you receive for the week.
One of the best things about Youfoodz is the amount of choice and control you get.
You can choose to replace most of your weekly meals with Youfoodz meals, or like I do, simply use them every now and then in those times when I am otherwise tempted to grab take away for lunch.
Lets talk price…
The meals are $9.95 each.
You can get a $50 off your first delivery HERE .
Could you make your own healthy meal for less than that? Of course.
But you couldn’t get someone else to plan, prepare and cook a healthy meal for you for less than that.
There was a time when I felt a little guilty about not making my own meals. I have gotten over that now. Now I’m fine with paying a bit more for a professional to do it. I mean I could cut my own hair or paint my own house, but its a MUCH better option to pay for an expert do it.