How to achieve (almost) effortless weight loss

Let me ask you a question.

How much effort does it take to brush your teeth each morning?

I am guessing not much effort is needed. Brushing your teeth has become an automatic habit that you now do almost on auto-pilot.

It wasn’t always this way. You needed some effort and maybe some nagging from your parents at first. But with persistence, a habit was formed.

change your habits


Let’s face it.

Weight loss is not about what you know.  It’s about what you do.

And even deeper than that, its about what you repeatedly do, almost on auto-pilot (like brushing your teeth every morning)

By making changes to our daily habits, we can achieve… (drumroll please) ….

Effortless weight loss.

(Well almost effortless)

effortless weight loss


How cool would that be?

  • Weight loss without the struggle.
  • Weight loss that feels normal.
  • Weight loss without the stress.

Yes, it might take a little longer to make the changes stick, but the results will be well worth it.

Here are 5 simple habit changes to help you lose weight and feel great.

(Food edition)

These habit changes will…

  • keep you full
  • give you more energy
  • help you consume less calories
  • look and feel great
  • help you lose weight

WAIT !!!

Before you read the following 5 habit changes, there is one catch.

You must choose just ONE habit to work on at a time. Choose the one that you think will be the easiest for you. Practice that habit until it runs on auto-pilot before you move onto the next habit change. Celebrate small wins.


1) Don’t eat until “fairly hungry”. Stop eating when “satisfied” (not full)

The honest truth is that if you eat when you are not hungry, you can be sure that your body does not need fuel and whatever you consume will be stored as reserve energy (otherwise known as stored body fat). Doesn’t it make sense to stop this?

Tip –

Check in with your stomach hunger before you eat anything. If you are not sure if you are truly hungry, have a glass of water and wait 10 – 20 minutes before deciding.



2) Eat one handful of protein with every meal

Protein keeps you full, helps to build or at least maintain your muscle mass and it uses up to a third of its calories in the digestion process alone.

Tip –

If you eat 3 larger meals per day, choose 1 large handful with each meal, or 30 – 40 grams if you prefer to count it that way.

If you eat 5 smaller meals per day, please choose 1 small handful with each meal (slightly less than palm size), or 20 – 25 grams if you prefer to count it that way.

** Large males may need more.

See also –  3 Powerful ways that protein can help you lose weight



3) Eat vegetables with each meal

Veggies provide you with LOT’s of nutrients, fibre and water content,  they are low in calories and they help to fill you up. This habit gives you the added bonus of taking some snack foods off the table (so to speak). You may reach for a muesli bar or packet of rice crackers, then think twice, asking yourself  “How will I add protein and veggies to this?” . This is usually enough to stop you eating low nutrient choices.

How many veggies should you include?

LOT’s !! Fill up half your plate if you can. However any vegetable added to your meal is better than none.


When eating, prioritise the protein and vegetable portion of your meal first. Eat carbohydrates by all means but fill up on protein and veg first.



4) Become calorie AWARE

Weight loss happens when you eat less calories than your body needs each day or each week. The technical term for this is a “Calorie Deficit”. Knowing this and becoming calorie aware can sometimes be enough to deter you from eating high calorie / low nutrient foods.

calorie deficit



5) Plan 4 or 5 balanced, healthy dinners each week

Keep It Simple. Plan 4 or 5 dinners each week that prioritise protein and veg. Make enough for left overs for other dinners and / or lunches.


Make over meals that you already love and enjoy instead of opting for a complete overhaul to your weekly meal plan.

View this short video for my thoughts on meal planning / prep

(sorry for sweaty face and shaky camera work).


Final message from Chriss…

I know this is easier said than done (understatement). If you take nothing else away from this information, please remember this…  Instead of trying to totally overhaul your whole life and routine, please aim to make one small (even tiny), achievable change to your life.


Don’t add another habit change until you have mastered the first one. Repeat, Rinse, Reward.

One day you will look back at your old self and you will be amazed at the changes and improvements that have occurred over time.

You can do this.


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