Healthy nutrition
Last fat flush day… BUT if you feel like you are lacking energy please include some carbohydrates today. Listen to your body, lacking energy is a sure sign that you have depleted the excess carbs in your system and now is the time to include them back in.
Recipe suggestion – Chicken (or any protein) shish kebabs. Page 24 of the fat flush recipe book
Happy exercise
Today I want you to do any exercise session that A) gets you huffing and puffing out of your comfort zone and B) uses and overloads all of your muscle groups. You can choose an exercise session from the video instructions HERE, or you can do your own session as long as fits the criteria.
HOT tip
Eat when “fairly hungry” on the hunger scale and stop when “satisfied”, not full.
HOT lesson – Carbs that break the rules – SLOW CARBS
There are some carbohydrates that we can eat a little more of (not too much) and will probably end up over our daily limit and that’s totally cool.
These are what is commonly referred to as SLOW CARBS.
Some examples are –
Lentils, black beans, pinto beans, red beans, soy beans (ok all beans), all bran cereal, plain rolled oats (not cut up, processed or toasted in oil etc) and fruit.
These foods are
- very high in fibre
- high in thermic effect (more on this in a later lesson)
- close to their natural state (little to no processing)
- they do not raise and spike our blood sugar as much as a refined carbohydrate
- they keep us fuller for longer.
Some of the fibre from these foods will pass straight through your system, meaning that the calories from the fibre wont need to be burnt.
When you include these foods, you might go over your daily limit by 10 or 20 grams. This is fine. To include some of these on your fat flush day is ok too.
Go to Week 2, Lesson 4 What about sugar ? – – HERE