My personal highlights of 2017

This yearly post is for purely selfish reasons.

To document and remember my year so I can look back at the highlights.


In 2016 I said I wanted to do more bush walks and hikes.

I’m happy to say I did.

  • Wodi Wodi Track – This walk was a DOOZY!! I enjoyed it, but it wont be repeated. (Got lost and ended up walking for about 4 hours)
  • Sublime Point 1000 stairs – multiple time. This one is my fav.
  • Wedding cake rock. Loved it. Spectacular scenery.
  • Camden bike track – OK so not really a bush walk, but very enjoyable none the less
  • Mt Annan Botanical Gardens – Usually followed by lunch and a glass of wine

Scenery at Wedding Cake Rock walk-

Musical theatre and shows

  • Jimmy Barnes, Songs and Stories. LOVED this! The best one of the year for me. I laughed, cried and sang. 5 stars *****
  • Kinky boots 
  • Stevie Nicks and Chrissie Hynde – Fabulous
  • Beautiful the Carole King musical – SO GOOD!!

Active stuff

  • Golf lessons and games
  • Horse riding
  • Bike riding. I got a bike for my birthday December 2016. I hadn’t ridden a bike for about 30 years. I was wobbly and scared at first, now I love it. I try to go out a couple of times per week. Just 30 or 40 minutes. Never on the road.
  • Sunday morning joggers club with the Mounties crew. Loved this, even though I fell over twice. Always a highlight of my week.

Creative stuff

  • Jewellery making
  • Macramé lessons with Holly
  • Painting class with Holly
Silver soldering class in Bali

I wont give up my day job. Ha ha

Macrame class with the kiddo

We bought a house !!

Very excited to say we bought a house down the south coast. Shell Cove near where the new Marina will be built. It looks amazing.

We wont be moving in for at least 4 years (when my daughter leaves school).

The new home has a man cave for my hubby

The outdoor area is where I will spend most of my time


  • Bali holiday with the extended family. A wonderful time
  • Port Douglas holiday with family and friends. Highlight was snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef. Absolutely amazing.
  • Melbourne races with a punters club. A first for me.
  • Dalmeny beach holiday with an awesome bunch of friends

Random stuff

  • Keratin hair straightening. Yes this made my highlights list. I love it and wonder why I didn’t do it earlier.
  • Attended a fancy pants Ball in a red dress and felt like a million bucks.
  • Discovered a Facebook group where pre-loved Camilla dresses are sold. Bought quite a few.
  • Went on a hot air balloon ride. Very surreal and peaceful
Fancy Pants Ball

Hot air balloon ride. Amazing.
  • Caught up with my girlfriends regularly. Another one from my goal list. Yay

Work life

  • Helped over 120 people achieve their health and fitness goals with my online coaching programs. Including First steps to Fasting, Fat Flush and Mindset and Motivation Make-over.
  • Always enjoyable catching up with my face 2 face fitness crew on Saturdays and Tuesday mornings.
  • Ran a live LUNCH and LEARN workshop at a local café. On Intermittent Fasting. A big success. I would really love to do more of this in the future.
  • Did more Facebook livestream video lessons. This was on my goal list for the year, so big tick.

What’s planned for my 2018?

I have written myself up an 18 in 2018 list.

Now to get onto that for the next blog post.


A couple of last points..

  1. Going back over the highlights of the year has given me such a boost. I might have only remembered some worries and troubles otherwise. I highly recommend you try it, even if its simply with pen and paper.
  2. Thank goodness for Facebook. My memory is not what it used to be. Looking over my FB photos was a great way to recall the good times.

A big warm thank you to YOU.

If you are reading this, then I consider you to be part of my fitness coaching community.

You guys are why I do what I do and share content that might entertain, inspire and educate.

Have a wonderful, healthy and safe 2018.
