My favourite supermarket foods and finds
It will be no surprise to anyone who knows me well….
I am NO master-chef and I am certainly no Martha Stewart. I need quick, easy, convenient and healthy meals and ingredients that I can throw together in 5 minutes.
Below are some of my favourite supermarket finds that make my life easier.
1) Brown smart rice.
90 seconds to cook in the microwave.
The packet states 2 serves per pack.
But I get 4 serves per pack because I bulk up my meal with lots of grated veg.
This equates to 21 grams of carbs per serve.
2) Vitarium sugar free drinking chocolate. (Yummo)
Natvia sugar free drinking chocolate.
I use 2 tsp (not 4 as stated on the label)
100ml lower fat milk and some boiling water.
Yum – less than 55 cals and 5 grams of carbs.
3) Slendier Slim products
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the products from Slendier Slim.
I am always encouraging people to get more vegetables in their eating plan. Slendier Slim products are made from a vegetable. The main ingredient glucomannan is used in many weight loss supplements, because its full of fibre, swells in your stomach and keeps you full.
I especially love it to make rice paper rolls with Slim pasta, left over chicken and grated carrot, shallots, cucumber etc.
You can view some yummy and healthy (and FREE) Slendier Slim recipes HERE
4) Ingham Sweet Thai Chilli chicken breast
We all know that cooking fresh food is best,
But I’m a realist, and I know that sometimes we need a quick, convenient option.
This is a good “sometimes” choice for your meal.
Throw it in the oven for 30 minutes, then serve with some frozen steam veg.
BOOM – dinner with almost zero effort.
5) Frozen fish, chips and vegetables
Easy, healthy, quick and convenient meal.
Please make sure the portion size of the chips is 100 grams (about the same as the palm of your hand)
6) Packet salads
I love packet salads from the supermarket and you can usually find one on sale.
I especially love this dry coleslaw mix.
I use it for salads, but also I throw it in my mince when cooking and into stir-fries too.
7) Natvia sweetener
Nothing artificial – it’s made from a leaf.
0.6 calories per teaspoon .
I recommend to try Half sugar / Half Natvia to get used to the taste at first.
8) Lower carbohydrate potatoes
I am a little bit excited about this supermarket find.
Low carb / low GI potatoes.
Naturally grown and produced.
9 grams of carbs per 100 gram serve, which means less calories for more volume of food.
WOW, love it. Tastes great too.
9) Quelch ice blocks
On a hot day – I’m pretty happy with one of these ice blocks.
Just 34 cals
8.3grams carbs (most from sugar)
10) Chobani dips
Low in calories, a good source of protein, low in fat, yummy, healthy and easy.
Serve with some crunchy cut up veggie sticks like carrot, celery and snow peas for the perfect afternoon snack.

I would love to hear from you..
What are your favourite easy and convenient supermarket finds?
Let me know over on Facebook