This post is for purely selfish reasons.
To document and remember my year, so that I can process it and look back over the highlights. Pretty sure only myself and my Dad will read it (Mum’s got no idea about tech of any sort).
But if you are a sticky beak (like me), then feel free to check it out. 🙂
By the way, at the beginning of 2016 I chose a word for my year.
My word for 2016 was FUN.
I think I nailed it.
Last night of 2015.
Fancy dress party with my camping friends. Something starting with C. 2016 will be something starting with D (Duh)

Feb 2016 – Radiance Retreat
A kick-ass educational and motivational event run by 3 of my fitness idols. Jen Sinkler, Jill Coleman and Neghar Fenooni.
You can read my complete review HERE – Radiance Retreat wrap up

April 2016 – 3 night cruise to nowhere with my girlfriends
We try to getaway together every 2nd year or so.
Nothing like some much needed R and R + quality girl time.

We will rock you the musical =Awesome

Hawaii – family trip
- Shopping
- Zoo
- Diamond Head hike – amazing
- Elvis show
- Good friends
- Swimming with the dolphins
- Food … so much food !! 🙂

Girls lunch out at rocks

I discovered online shopping and bought a LOT of dresses.
This is just a handful

LOVED teaching my Face 2 Face fitness crew.
My daughter Holly took some pics of the class this year. You can view them all >> HERE – I forgot how lucky I am
Other fun stuff
- Horse riding … twice
- Walk and Wine Wednesdays
- Listening to Podcasts
- 80’s fancy dress party
- Writing in my gratitude journal (most days)
- Checked out the November Super Moon
- Hiking Sublime Pt stairs – 4 times
I ran a very successful habit coaching program – Healthy Happy Habits
Using the power of FB Live to get super personal with my clients. The next one starts soon. You can see the details HERE
Back on track – One month online challenge
(including my own back on track journey)
I fell in love with fitness again, lost a couple of kgs and just basically found my groove again after feeling stuck for about 12 months or so.
I have some (embarrassing) before and after pics of myself, but I think I will include them in a full blog post to come about the How, What and Why of how I found my fitness and health mojo again.
Let me know if you would be interested to see that personal post?
Got a website make-over
You are reading it now !! The home page can be seen HERE.
I’m not gonna lie, I HATED it at first. I even stopped blogging for a while.
But I made some changes (still more to go) and its growing on me. I started blogging again recently
My top 5 blog posts
- Case study interview – Michelle lost 35kgs using balance and moderation
- The No Diet Diet – My most controversial post
- How much weight can I expect to lose in ONE DAY – I might need to re-name this post, because its about so much more than this
- Do activity trackers help or hinder your weight loss results ? (you might be surprised)
- The exact steps I give myself to get back into shape
The blog posts I WISH people would read
- Surprising facts about calories that you NEED to know
- How I lost weight… The answer (short and simple)
- 3 ridiculously simple steps to health and weight management
My baby girl is now a teenager !!
OMG – where did the time go??

I embraced Facebook Live video
Check out my most popular (public) Facebook Live video lessons
- My top 3 tips to get motivated
- Finding it really hard to lose weight? It could be Insulin Resistance
- Why I love the portion plate guidelines
I celebrated my Birthday on Christmas day (as always)

What sucked?
– aka What can I improve on next year?
Honestly, some stuff sucked. But its New Years Eve as I am typing this and I couldn’t be stuffed focussing on those things right now.
I might come back and include them later (maybe).
What’s planned for my 2017?
- Healthy Happy Habits – online coaching program starting soon
- First steps to (intermittent) Fasting – So PUMPED about this new online coaching program
- Intro to fitness – Face to face sessions – I feel like there is a huge gap in the market right now. Most fitness classes seem so hard core and scary.
- Bali holiday
- House renovations
- More blogging, more stories, more case studies
- More FB live videos
- Port Douglas holiday
- More hiking / bush walks
- More fun
- Less Worrying about if its perfect enough

A couple of last points..
- Going back over the highlights of the year has given me such a boost. I might have only remembered some worries and troubles otherwise. I highly recommend you try it, even if its simply in pen and paper.
- Thank goodness for Facebook. My memory is not what it used to be. Looking over my FB photos was a great way to recall the good times.
A big warm thank you to YOU.
If you are reading this, then I consider you to be part of my fitness coaching community.
You guys are why I do what I do and share content that might entertain, inspire and educate.
Have a wonderful, healthy and safe 2017.