Lose (at least) 4kgs in the next 4 weeks.
Would you like to lose (at least) 4kgs in the next 4 weeks? Is this the time to finally do it? To stop thinking about it To stop worrying about it To …
Would you like to lose (at least) 4kgs in the next 4 weeks? Is this the time to finally do it? To stop thinking about it To stop worrying about it To …
Like most of my posts, I am writing this one for myself. It’s Monday afternoon of a long weekend and I am STUFFED. I feel full, bloated and lethargic. And to be …
What’s the real reason you still eat or drink too much _______ (insert your fav treat) ?? — – This week I want you to journal (or at least think …
I just did the best treadmill workout… **However, you could use this technique for any piece of cardio equipment that has access to the internet. —- Today seemed like an …
WHOOOOOSHHHH !!! Did you see it. Did you feel it? The first half of 2015 has almost flown by. —– A little back story… In 2014 I set goals. I …
Revision – Creating a calorie deficit is how ALL weight loss works. Eg. * Sally burns 2200 calories per day * Sally consumes 1500 calories per day * Sally loses …
Here is a weird little fat loss tip for you… Close your window. What the??? Close your eating window a little bit. ( of course ) Example If you normally …
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”CLICK HERE to learn how to look and feel younger, FIRE UP your metabolism and drop a dress size or two. Affodrdabe coaching program” shape=”round” color=”purple” size=”lg” align=”center” button_block=”true” …
Want to lose weight? Don’t quit ANY food until you read this Read More »
Woohooo, Here we go. I hope you are ready for this. I am so excited to get started. Below are your instructions for the week in PDF format so that …
I really want you to focus on your goal. You should write it down or type it up and print out and display it as many places as you can …